Measuring readiness for entrepreneurship: An information tool proposal
José Manuel Saiz Alvarez

Disciplina: Ciencias Sociales/Economía y Negocios
Tipo de contenido: Artículo Científico


A profound review of the literature on entrepreneurship reveals that it does not exist the accurate information tool to measure the individuals’ readiness for entrepreneurship. The purpose of this research has been building such kind of instrument to estimate the individuals’ readiness for entrepreneurship. Its design takes into consideration the inclusion of the primary variables identified by the literature as those most associated with entrepreneurial profiles. These variables have been grouped into three categories: sociological, psychological and managerial-entrepreneurial. Each group provides batteries of items which are evaluated thanks to a particular scoring system. The final objective is to provide a method to calculate individual scores of readiness for entrepreneurship and, at the same time, partial scores on particular aspects of it. The proposed information tool is presented in this paper will be tested shortly

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